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XIII International Nematological Symposium "Nematodes and other Ecdysozoa under changing environments"

  • XIII International Nematological Symposium "Nematodes and other Ecdysozoa under changing environments"

    July 29, 2019 – August 4, 2019

    Abstracts of 13th International Nematological Symposium

    Programme of the Symposium

    Preliminary Scientific Programme of the Symposium (in Russian, 21.02.2019)

    Preliminary List of Symposium participants (in Russian, 21.02.2019)


    The Organizing Committee of the XIII International Nematological Symposium is delighted to invite you to the symposium "Nematodes and other Ecdysozoa under changing environments", which will take place at the Karelian Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Petrozavodsk, Republic of Karelia, Russia) on July 29 – August 4, 2019.

    The symposium is gathered to discuss current theoretical and practical issues of nematology at plenary and thematic sessions, during poster sessions. Environments will be considered as the basis of nematodes' life and a tool for regulating population size. This event will provide nematologists with an opportunity to share their views on recent advances in nematology, present their results through oral or poster presentations. Young researchers will learn about the latest achievements in various areas of nematology, make presentations about their scientific work, discuss the results with experts in nematology, listen to lectures on theoretical nematology. Another aim of the Symposium is to strengthen the professional network of Russian and international nematologists, as well as offer a modern scientific platform to promote information exchange between the scientific and business communities, educational organizations, executive authorities in the region.

    In order to popularize science, scientific achievements in the field of nematology and their practical applications will be presented in the form of Open Lectures and workshops on practical nematology for adults and children.

    Looking forward to seeing you at the Symposium!
    Meet with your friends! Present new results! Share news!

    Circular 1

International and interregional connectivity of protected areas in the European North

  • International and interregional connectivity of protected areas in the European North

    November 13, 2017 – November 17, 2017

    Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation
    Ministry of Nature Use and Environment of the Republic of Karelia
    Karelian Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences
    Ministry of the Environment of Finland
    Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
    European Green Belt Association
    WWF Russia Barents Office

    Dear colleagues,

    The European North is a vast region with distinct climatic, geographical and social features, unique eco-systems, historical, cultural and resource potential. Over the years, countries and regions in the EuropeanNorth have been working systematically to build the system of protected areas (PAs) based on existinginterregional and international arrangements. The scaffold of this system is green belts (meridians) whichlink PAs to form one system.

    One of the pivotal events in the process of building the North European PA system was the signing onFebruary 17, 2010 of the Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation for the Development of theGreen Belt of Fennoscandia (GBF) between the Ministry of Environment of Norway, the Ministry of Environ-ment of the Republic of Finland and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Fed-eration. This document rendered a new impetus to the development of GBF per se and conservation work ingeneral, which has been evidenced, among other things, by an increased number of international projects.

    Considering the high interest that science, authorities, business and non-profit organizations havedemonstrated for PA network development in the European North, it has been decided to organize theinternational conference "International and interregional connectivity of protected areas in the EuropeanNorth" within the framework of the National Year of Protected Areas, Nature Protection and Environment atthe Karelian Research Centre RAS (Petrozavodsk) in November 2017.

    The aim of the conference is to urge the participants to discuss the possibilities for developing the NorthEuropean PA system not focusing on the conservation of unique ecosystems (biodiversity) alone but alsoconsidering the role of PAs in the sustainable development of northern regions and addressing their so-cio-economic problems. The conference will particularly discuss the possibilities of developing ecological innovations and ecosystem services based on the use of latest technology and more efficient utilization ofthe scientific and research potential of North European regions.

    We’d much appreciate if you spread the word among colleagues.
    Looking forward to seeing you at the conference!

Boreal forests: current state, dynamics, ecosystem services

  • Boreal forests: current state, dynamics, ecosystem services

    September 11, 2017 – September 17, 2017

    Pan-Russian scientific conference with international involvement “Boreal forests: current state, dynamics, ecosystem services” dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Forest Research Institute KarRC RAS