
Online Submissions

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Author Guidelines

Max size of an abstract is one A4 page, prepared in Miсrosoft Word (2003/2007/2010), Times New Roman, font size 10, single line spacing, margins 2 cm each.

All text left-aligned. Do not use indentation for paragraphs or blank spaces before lines, word break, bold or underlined type. Italics can be used only for Latin names of species. The cited literature (REFERENCES, centered, names of authors italicized) should be listed in alphabetic order in the original language. In the body of the text references to the literature should appear as numbers in square brackets corresponding to their numbering in the list of references. Any abbreviations should be explicated in the text.

First line – title of the presentation in UPPERCASE LETTERS; next line – surname(s) and initials of the author(s); further below – title of organization (do not use parentheses), city, e-mail. Then, separated by a blank line, the body of the text, and references. If the authors have different affiliations, a number corresponding to the number of the organization in affiliations listing is attached to the author’s surname and initials.

No scientific or technical editing of the abstracts will be done.


The conference proceedings will be published on Karelian Research Centre RAS website and as a volume of abstracts. After the conference, a special issue of the Scientific Journal “Transactions of the Karelian Research Centre RAS” (in the international database CrossRef) will be published, including papers drawn up according to the Journal’s requirements (


The Programme Committee reserves the right to decline the submissions failing to fulfill the requirements or thematically irrelevant. The author shall be informed of the case.

Sample abstract


Ivanov A.A.1, Petrov B.B.2

1Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, e-mail; 2Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute, Moscow, e-mail


Protected areas are elements of the national heritage. For conservation purposes they…


Grove D.J., Loisides L., Nott J. Satiation amount, frequency of feeding and emptying rate in Salmo gairdneri // J. Fish. Biol. 1978. Vol. 12, N 4. P. 507–516.

Knorre D.G., Laric O.L. Theory and practice in affinity techniques / Eds. P.V. Sundaram, F.L. Eckstein. N. Y., San Francisco: Acad. Press, 1978. P. 169–188.


Abstracts are to be submitted as attachments to e-mail at: .

The abstract of each paper should be in a separate file (use the first author’s surname in Latin characters for the file name).



Submission Preparation Checklist

  1. Max size of an abstract is one A4 page, prepared in Miсrosoft Word (2003/2007/2010), Times New Roman, font size 10, single line spacing, margins 2 cm each.


Copyright Notice

Authors who submit to this conference agree to the following terms:
a) Authors retain copyright over their work, while allowing the conference to place this unpublished work under a Creative Commons Attribution License, which allows others to freely access, use, and share the work, with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and its initial presentation at this conference.
b) Authors are able to waive the terms of the CC license and enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution and subsequent publication of this work (e.g., publish a revised version in a journal, post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgement of its initial presentation at this conference.
c) In addition, authors are encouraged to post and share their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) at any point before and after the conference.

Privacy Statement


The names and email addresses entered in this conference site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this conference and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.